CoinKit – Monetized Tweets

CoinKit has several ways of monetizing tweets on Twitter, in this post we will show which ones are available and how they work.


How to set up a „Monetized Tweet“ ( „mon“ )

Example done with Bitcoin ( BTC )

Post a Status on Twitter with: "@coinkit_ mon <amountPerUser> <AmountOfUsers> <Coin> <[Keyword]>"

Example 1: @coinkit_ mon 80 200 BTC

This command will set up a monetized tweet where each user ( up to 200 ) who does a normal retweet will instantly get 80 Satoshi.

How to receive: ( TASK )


Example 2: @coinkit_ mon 50 300 BTC #SatoshiNakamoto

This command will set up a monetized tweet where each user ( up to 300 ) who does the task, will instantly get 50 Satoshi.

How to receive: ( TASK )

Quote Tweet with Keyword included


How to set up a „Monetized Comment“ ( „com“ or „comment“ )

Example done with Bitcoin ( BTC )

Post a Status on Twitter with: @coinkit_ com <amountPerUser> <AmountOfUsers> <Coin> <[Keyword]>

Example 1: @coinkit_ com 80 200 BTC #BitcoinIsGreat

This command will set up a monetized comment where each user ( up to 200 ) who does the task correctly, will instantly get 80 Satoshi.

How to receive: ( TASK )

Retweet + Comment with the Keyword within a sentence.

TASK Example:
Retweet + Comment: #BitcoinIsGreat, thats a fact!
Retweet + Comment: Yes! #BitcoinIsGreat

Retweet + Comment: #BitcoinIsGreat

The keyword must be to be included into a sentence, otherwise the task is not completed.

Example 2: @coinkit_ comment 50 300 BTC

This command will set up a monetized tweet where each user ( up to 300 ) who does the task correctly, will instantly get 50 Satoshi.

How to receive: (TASK)

Retweet + Comment anything

TASK Example:
Retweet + Comment: Hello
Retweet + Comment: I like your tweet!


These are the two ways to monetize a tweet on Twitter. If you do the tasks correctly, you will receive the Coins/Tokens instantly.


How to check if I have received the Coins/Tokens?

DM @CoinKit_ with „/rewards“ and it will tell you from which Tweet and how many Coins/Tokens you have received recently. It will also tell you if you are not yet eligible to receive any monetized rewards.


Transparency Records

CoinKit provides a Tool where you can look up how many rewards are left and who claimed them already, thats called „Transparency Records“.


How to use it:

Copy the TweetID of a Monetized Tweet into the SearchField and it will show the stats for this specific tweet. The TweetID is the Number behind the /status/ if you click on a post on Twitter.